Congratulations on your fresh ink! We bet it looks awesome. Read this blog and follow the instructions to make sure it stays awesome! Your tattoo artist is the expert, and should provide you with the proper aftercare instructions for your new tattoo, so listen to them, and contact them after your appointment to follow up if you are unsure. This blog provides the basics of general aftercare for all tattoos.
Keep It Covered Most likely, your artist applied some antibiotic ointment over your tattoo after it was done before either wrapping it in a bandage, plastic, or applying “second-skin.” These are there to protect your new tattoo from friction and bacteria. Keep your tattoo covered with what your artist gave you, for as long as they recommend you to. This may vary from a few hours to a few days.
Gently Wash After removing your covering or “second-skin” from your tattoo, gently wash it using your hands under some warm water with fragrance-free soap. Make sure to pat it dry right afterwards with a clean cloth or towel to keep it completely dry.
Moisturize and Wait to Heal After making sure the area of your new tattoo is dry, use some fragrance-free/alcohol-free moisturizer and apply a small mount on your tattoo. Do this at least twice a day for about two weeks. As you wait for your tattoo to fully heal, protect it from the sun using clothing, not sunscreen (until it’s fully healed). Do not scratch or pick at it. Try your best to wear loose clothing over the tattoo, and stay away from water such as lakes, swimming pools, or hot tubs (showers are OK)!
Hopefully this blog helped you with your tattoo aftercare, so your ink stays healthy! For discussions on interesting topics, be sure to tune into The Wayne Jones Show podcast that is filmed out of our Edmonton podcast studio. Collective Culture Media is a fully-equipped Edmonton podcast studio rental space and media company. Feel free to email us at wayne@collectiveculturemedia for any #YEG podcast studio rental needs, or local Edmonton video production.