For many of us (certainly those living in Edmonton this winter), the change in weather will have us staying inside to keep warm. Although it’s warm and comfortable for you inside your home, you may be surprised to know that your indoor plants need a change in routine during the winter. This blog will cover all you need to know, when it comes to taking care of your indoor plants through the winter.
Water Less During the colder months, plants experience a slower rate of growth, and some, even go completely dormant! Therefore, at this time of year, plants need less water to survive, as over-watering may cause the plant’s roots to rot. The dry winter air can cause surface soil to dry out more quickly, but this is not an indicator that your plant is thirsty. To check if your plant needs more water, push your finger into the soil to determine if it’s dry a few inches below the surface, if it is, then it’s time for water. When watering your plants, make sure to use room temperature water, to avoid shocking the plant’s roots. Keep in mind that different plants have different watering needs; cacti and succulents may not need to be watered in the winter at all, while some tropical plants may still require regular watering.
Provide Adequate Moisture During the winter, the cold air becomes dry and humidity levels drop, even inside your own home. Contrary to popular belief, misting your plants only provides them with a temporary blast of moisture. For misting to really be effective, you must mist multiple times per day, as indoor temperatures evaporate moisture quickly. Consider investing in a humidifier and placing it close to your plants, or move your plants to your bathroom or kitchen where they can happily absorb moisture from showers and cooking activities. Clustering your plants in groups during the winter can also be beneficial, as they naturally release water through their leaves by transpiring. Another good trick is to place your plants on a bed of stones or pebbles in a tray of water to increase humidity levels without causing root rot.
Keep em’ Comfy To keep your plants cozy and comfortable during the winter months, keep them away from cold drafts and sources of extreme heat such as radiators, ovens, fireplaces, and electronic devices. Significant fluctuations in temperature can kill houseplants just as easily as prolonged periods of heat or cold.
Sunbathe Your Plants As winter starts to set in, we experience a lot less sunlight during the day as opposed to the summer months. Not only are there fewer hours of sunlight during the winter, but the rays also come in at a lower angle. Consider moving your plants somewhere where they can get great sunlight all day (south/west-facing window), but make sure not to place them too close to a frosty window. Rotating your plant a 1/4 turn every week or so is a great practice to ensure that all sides of your plant receive sun, helping it to grow evenly. Remember to also wipe down your plant leaves with a damp cloth, to remove any dust.
Put Your Houseplants on a Diet Since your house plants are growing much slower in the winter, consider stashing away your fertilizer until next summer! As mentioned previously, different types of plants require different types of care, and therefore some tropical plants that grow actively all winter long, may still require some fertilizer, but at a reduced amount.
We hope that this blog helps you keep your plants happy and healthy all winter long! For more discussions on interesting topics like this one, be sure to tune into The Wayne Jones Show podcast that is filmed out of our Edmonton podcast studio. Collective Culture Media is a fully-equipped Edmonton video production studio, YEG podcast studio and media company. If you need Edmonton studio rental space, feel free to email us at for any Edmonton podcast studio needs, or local Edmonton artist marketing.